About Us



My name is Jordean and I am the Founder and Owner of InspiredbyJ LLC where we developed our line of homemade haircare and skincare products. The business is named after my late-mother Judy Weever who was a selfless creative individual who loved to give back.

The driving force that led me to become an entrepreneur was the powerful realization that self-care is not selfish but rather an essential foundation for personal and professional growth. As I embarked on my own self-care journey, I experienced firsthand the transformative impact it had on my overall well-being and my ability to serve others.

In 2021, after years of working a demanding 9-5 job that left me feeling drained and stressed, I knew there had to be a better way to live and thrive. I began exploring various self-care practices, from mindfulness and meditation to exercise and creative outlets. The positive changes I witnessed in my own life ignited a passion within me to create a business centered around promoting self-care and inspiring others to prioritize their well-being.

The belief that individuals who take care of themselves are better equipped to contribute to their communities and support others became the driving force behind my business venture. I wanted to shatter the misconception that self-care is a luxury or a selfish indulgence, and instead, emphasize its role as a vital necessity for personal growth, resilience, and happiness.

By starting my business, I aimed to provide a platform that empowers individuals to embrace self-care practices and cultivate a holistic approach to wellness. Through our products, services, and educational resources, we strive to inspire and guide others on their own self-care journeys, fostering a culture that values and prioritizes well-being.